To only have student jobs appear in your job search results, in the upper left-hand corner of the jobs site, click Search Postings. For Position Type, select Student and then click Search.
Off-Campus Jobs
Off-campus jobs are also available to FAU students. FAU’s Financial Aid office maintains the Get A Job database for off-campus jobs located within the community. This database must be accessed through MyFAU. For instructions on how to access the Get a Job database and apply for the jobs contained within it, please click
. Questions about off-campus jobs should be directed to the Financial Aid office: 561-297-3680.
Federal Work Study/Need Based Employment
Federal Work Study (FWS) is a need-based employment program. In order to work as a FWS student, it must first be determined by the Financial Aid office that you qualify for this program. This requires the completion of a FAFSA application. For more information regarding the FWS program, please click
The Career Development Center invites you to contact their office to explore how your student employment position may correspond to an internship program at FAU. Internship programs may provide you with the opportunity to earn academic credit as well as have the experience notated on your transcript. Visit or email for additional information and to connect with an Internship Specialist.